Baby Bottles
The Haakaa Oral Syringe is the perfect way to administer milk, liquid diets and medicine to premature or just plain fussy babies in a mess and waste-free way.
The Haakaa Baby Food Dispensing Spoon is the perfect way to take your homemade baby food out with you without the hassle of carrying separate spoons and plastic containers.
The Haakaa Baby Food Dispensing Spoon is the perfect way to take your homemade baby food out with you without the hassle of carrying separate spoons and plastic containers.
The Haakaa Generation 3 Glass Baby Bottle is designed to provide the most natural feeding experience possible for you and your baby!
Baby Bottles
Gen.3 Baby Bottle Anti-Colic Nipple (3 Sizes available)
Haakaa - Think Green Ltd.
The Silicone Bottle Anti-Colic Nipple attachment is fully compatible with all Gen. 3 Silicone Bottles, transforming them into a handy baby bottle!
Available in Size S (Slow Flow), M (Medium Flow), L (Variable Flow).
The Generation 3 Sippy Spout Attachment Pack is fully compatible with all Haakaa Gen. 3 Silicone Bottles, transforming them into the perfect sippy bottle!
Available in Peach & Grey.
Haakaa's Gen. 3 Silicone Baby Bottle is the perfect choice for teaching your little one independence!
Haakaa's Gen. 3 Silicone Baby Bottle is the perfect choice for teaching your little one independence!
Protect your Haakaa Gen. 3 Glass Baby Bottles with a Gen. 3 Silicone Glass Bottle Cover!
Convert Your Haakaa Silicone Storage Bag into a squeezable on-the-go feeding pouch!
The Haakaa Generation 3 Glass Baby Bottle is designed to provide the most natural feeding experience possible for you and your baby!
Keep your kids hydrated throughout the day with our brightly coloured 350ml Easy-Carry Kids Thermal Flask!
Let your little one snack anywhere, anytime with the Silicone Yummy Pouch!
The Haakaa Oral Syringe is the perfect way to administer milk, liquid diets and medicine to premature or just plain fussy babies in a mess and waste-free way.
Let your little one snack anywhere, anytime with the Silicone Yummy Pouch!
Have fun making delicious homemade frozen treats with Haakaa's Freeze-N-Sip Ice Cream Mould Set!